Health problems tend to occur more frequently as people get older, and one of the most common health issues that seniors must deal with is hearing loss. In many cases, the best way to ameliorate hearing loss is to use a hearing aid. Here is a brief guide to this important issue for seniors.
Signs of Hearing Loss
The first step in resolving your hearing issues is realizing that your hearing has declined. The signs of hearing loss include not being able to fully understand what other people are saying. If you are constantly asking people to speak up, or frequently telling friends and relatives that they are mumbling, then it's likely that your hearing is getting worse.
Also, if you are having difficulty hearing the dialogue in television programs and find yourself continually turning up the volume on the television set, this may indicate that hearing loss is occurring. Having trouble talking with people on the telephone is another common sign of hearing loss, as is avoiding social situations due to your inability to carry on conversations.
Facts About Hearing Aids
One important thing to know about hearing aids is that they cannot cure hearing loss. The purpose of a hearing aid is to make it easier to live with the problem. Hearing aids magnify certain sounds so that you can make them out more clearly. Although not a cure for hearing decline, hearing aids can definitely improve your quality of life.
Two Devices
Another key fact about hearing aids is that you may need more than a single device. You have two ears, so if you have hearing loss, you will probably need two aids. The advantage of using two hearing aids is that it helps you determine the specific location where the sounds are coming from.
Mild Loss
It is simply a myth that hearing aids are only for people who have moderate or severe hearing loss. Even if your hearing loss is mild, a hearing aid can still help you hear better and improve your ability to communicate with others.
People who are new to wearing a hearing aid need time to adjust to the device. It takes a little while for your ears to become accustomed to the sound amplification that hearing aids provide. One excellent idea is to use the aid at a wide range of locations right after you have the device installed, which helps you adjust to different types of amplified sounds.
One reason that some seniors are hesitant to get a hearing aid, even though they need one, is that they are concerned about appearances. Some older people have concerns that all hearing aids are bulky and conspicuous.
But not using a hearing aid due to cosmetic reasons is foolish. For one thing, it's simply not true that all hearing aids are conspicuous. Many of today's device fit comfortably inside of the ear and other people may not even be aware that you're wearing an aid.
Even if the aid is somewhat noticeable, that is no cause for not wearing the device. Your hearing is one of your most important senses and any cosmetic issues are secondary. You should think no more of wearing a hearing aid than you would about wearing a pair of glasses.
A crucial factor in making sure that you get the most benefit out of a hearing aid is dealing with expert hearing aid professionals, such as the ones at Accurate Hearing Technology. We are available to handle all of your hearing aid needs and answer any of your questions on this vital health topic. Contact us to learn more.