When you rely on hearing aids for your health, safety, and enjoyment, traveling with a hearing aid is inevitable. You may wonder how you can care for your hearing aid to ensure your device stays clean and safe while you travel, especially trips that take you out of the country. Fortunately, you can enjoy travel without worrying about your hearing aid when you understand a few helpful tips ahead of time.
Understand TSA Checkpoint Steps
One of the first things you need to know about traveling via plane is that you do not need to take out a hearing aid to travel through the TSA security checkpoint at the airport. If you do not want to go through the x-ray machine with your device, you can ask for a visual search and pat down instead.
Ask Staff Members for Help
If you struggle to hear audio messages that play over the speaker in the airport, you can look for areas that offer visual announcements. Airport staff members can point you toward these messaging systems so you do not miss important information about your flight. Likewise, you can also ask gate agents for your flight if you need more assistance hearing announcements or understanding where you need to go next.
Unfortunately, many buses and trains do not offer visual notifications when a stop is coming up. You may need to ask the driver, an employee, or a fellow passenger if they can alert you to any audio messages you might have trouble hearing.
Finally, you might want to tell staff members at the hotel you are staying at about any hearing loss in case of an emergency. You may need a visual warning if something is wrong, if you may not be able to hear the warnings.
Choose Your Seat
You might want to choose your seat before you arrive at the airport to ensure you do not get placed in an emergency exit row. A flight attendant may ask you if you are able to carry out the duties and responsibilities associated with sitting in the emergency exit row, and if your hearing could pose an issue, you may have to tell the attendant that you aren’t comfortable with that responsibility.
Bring Extra Batteries
While spare lithium ion and lithium metal batteries must contained in your carry-on baggage and not packed in your cargo baggage, you should always bring extra batteries for your hearing aid, just in case something goes wrong while you are in the midst of traveling.
Store Extra Materials in Your Carry-On
Batteries are not the only extra supplies you should store in your carry-on baggage. You should also keep extra tubing and other assistive devices in your carry-on to ensure they do not become misplaced if something happens to the rest of your luggage on a plane or bus.
Bring a Dehumidifier
If you plan to travel somewhere humid, perhaps a tropical island, you should take measures to keep your hearing aid dry. A dry hearing aid is important, especially because moisture can get in your device without you knowing it in the form of humidity. Bring a small dehumidifier for your hotel room to keep your hearing aids working properly.
Understand Electrical Outlet Concerns
If you intend to travel to another country, be aware that electrical outlets may be different from what you are used to in the United States. Bring a converter to ensure you can plug in devices or rechargeable batteries for your hearing aid.
Accurate Hearing Technology
offers help with hearing aids and related health concerns. Do you need additional information about hearing aids? Are you concerned about upcoming travel with your new hearing aid? Help is available. Call us today to discuss your options.